Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Wisdom teeth extraction is only prescribed as a treatment when it’s been determined your wisdom teeth impact your overall dental health in some way or the other. Your wisdom teeth are the last permanent teeth to appear in your mouth when your adult teeth start appearing. This happens usually between the ages of 17-25.   In some cases,  the emergence of wisdom teeth can cause problems in your overall dental health, in which cases wisdom teeth extractions might be your best option. If you are experiencing symptoms associated with wisdom tooth, it’s best that you reach our emergency dental services in texas.

Why should my wisdom teeth be removed? 

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are the last set of teeth to emerge, usually in your late teens or early twenties. While they usually find their place in your dental structure, in some cases they can also seriously impact and cause severe problems to your dental health. This can include.

Prevent Crowding and Misalignment: This happens when a person doesn’t have enough room in their mouths for these extra teeth. When wisdom teeth push through, they can crowd other teeth, leading to misalignment and ruining years of orthodontic work.

Avoid Impacted Teeth: Often, wisdom teeth don’t fully emerge and become trapped in your gums or jawbone, known as impaction. Impacted teeth can cause pain, infection, and damage to other teeth.

Reduce the Risk of Infection: Partially erupted wisdom teeth create openings for bacteria, leading to gum disease and infections that can spread beyond your mouth.

Prevent Cysts and Tumors: Impacted wisdom teeth can develop cysts, which may damage the jawbone, teeth, and nerves. In rare cases, these cysts can lead to tumours.

Ease Discomfort: Pain and swelling are common symptoms of wisdom teeth issues. Removing them can alleviate discomfort and prevent further complications.

By removing your wisdom teeth early, you can prevent potential dental problems down the road and maintain a healthy, beautiful smile. 

Why  ProSmiles?

  • Wisdom Teeth Extraction in One Day
  • Partnered with Top Dental Labs
  • A Team of Experienced Expert Dentists
  • Multiple Skilled Dentists in One Location
  • Skilled team of emergency dentists available round the clock

Advanced Expertise in handling wisdom teeth extraction

Our team of in house dental surgeons have years of experience in handling wisdom teeth extractionsWe understand your concerns, so we focus on delivering a stress-free and exceptional experience. We have partnered with top dental labs and insurance companies across the country to give you advanced surgical care at the most affordable rate. 

Benefits of Wisdom Teeth Extraction 

Wisdom teeth, the last set of molars that typically emerge in late adolescence or early adulthood, often cause more problems than they solve. While not everyone needs to have their wisdom teeth removed, there are significant benefits to doing so in many cases:

Prevents Overcrowding: Wisdom teeth often lack the space they need to emerge properly, leading to overcrowding. This can push your other teeth out of alignment, undoing orthodontic work or causing bite issues. Removing wisdom teeth can help maintain a straight and healthy smile.

Reduces the Risk of Infections: Partially erupted wisdom teeth can create openings where bacteria can easily enter, leading to gum infections and inflammation. By removing wisdom teeth, you reduce the risk of these potentially painful and harmful infections.

Avoids Impacted Teeth Complications: Wisdom teeth can become impacted, meaning they’re trapped within the jawbone or gums. Impacted teeth can cause pain, cysts, and even damage neighbouring teeth. Extraction prevents these complications and promotes overall dental health.

Eases Pain and Discomfort: Wisdom teeth often cause discomfort, including swelling, tenderness, and jaw stiffness. Extracting these teeth can relieve this pain and prevent further discomfort as the teeth attempt to emerge.

Prevents Damage to Nearby Teeth: Impacted or misaligned wisdom teeth can press against the adjacent molars, leading to erosion, cavities, or even fractures. Removal helps protect your other teeth from unnecessary wear and tear.

Promotes Better Oral Hygiene: Wisdom teeth are located at the very back of your mouth, making them difficult to clean properly. This can lead to plaque buildup, cavities, and gum disease. Removing them can make it easier to maintain good oral hygiene and prevent future dental issues.


After having your wisdom teeth removed, proper aftercare is crucial to ensure a smooth and speedy recovery. Following these guidelines can help you avoid complications and get back to your routine more quickly:

Manage Bleeding: It’s normal to experience some bleeding right after the procedure. Bite gently on the gauze pad placed over the extraction site, and change it every 30-45 minutes until the bleeding stops. Avoid spitting, which can dislodge the blood clot and prolong healing.

Control Swelling: Swelling is common after wisdom teeth extraction. Apply an ice pack to the outside of your cheek for 15-20 minutes at a time, with breaks in between, for the first 24-48 hours. This helps minimise swelling and discomfort.

Take Prescribed Medications: Your dentist or oral surgeon may prescribe pain relievers and antibiotics. Take them as directed to manage pain and prevent infection. Over-the-counter pain medications like ibuprofen can also help reduce inflammation.

Rest and Hydrate: Rest is key to recovery. Avoid strenuous activities for a few days, and make sure to stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water, but avoid using straws, as the suction can dislodge the blood clot and lead to a painful condition known as dry socket.

Eat Soft Foods: Stick to a soft food diet for the first few days. Opt for foods like yogurt, applesauce, mashed potatoes, and smoothies. Avoid hot, spicy, crunchy, or chewy foods that can irritate the extraction site.

Watch out for Signs of Complications: While most people heal without issues, it’s important to monitor for signs of complications. If you experience severe pain, excessive bleeding, swelling that worsens after 3 days, or fever, contact your dentist immediately.    

  • At ProSmiles, we make each visit as convenient and enjoyable as possible by going out of our way to deliver comfortable, personalized care. 
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