
Whether it’s for health reasons or just aesthetic concerns, many patients want to straighten their teeth, and our team at ProSmiles is here to deliver. Our treatments aren’t just for children; adults can correct their uneven teeth and imperfect bites as well. We offer a variety of services suitable for different orthodontic issues, and we’ll always take your comfort into account. Give us a call today to schedule an appointment to learn more about your options for orthodontics.

Why Choose ProSmiles For Orthodontics?

  • One Location for Basic & Specialized Dental Care
  • Metal-Free Orthodontic Solutions Including Invisalign
  • Most Dental Insurance Plans Such as Medicaid Accepted

Unmatched Invisalign® Expertise

Many dental practices offer Invisalign treatment, but very few can say they have received the Platinum Provider Award as we can! After treating more than 300 happy Invisalign patients, we’ve proven our clinical excellence with this treatment, which means that you can trust us to turn your smile dreams into a reality. Are you interested in straightening your teeth with Invisalign? Contact our experienced team and schedule your consultation today!

When you’re a working adult who needs orthodontic treatment, you’ll probably be worried about how metal brackets and wires are going to affect your professional appearance. With Invisalign, you won’t have to worry; instead of traditional braces, you can wear see-through removable aligners that virtually disappear when placed over the teeth. This treatment only takes about 12 to 18 months, and since you can take out the aligners, you’ll be able to eat whatever you want.

The Benefits Of Invisalign®

If you’re deemed a good candidate for the treatment, here are some of the awesome benefits that you will experience:

  • Comfort: Since there won’t be any metal brackets and wires, you won’t have to deal with soft tissue irritation. Occasional discomfort is normal because your teeth are shifting, but it is short-lived and manageable.
  • No Eating Restrictions: Your aligners are removable, so you don’t need to cut any of your favorite foods out of your diet. Just be sure to take them out before you eat.
  • Discreet: Clear aligners are virtually undetectable, so no one will be able to tell that you are wearing them!


Like Invisalign, ClearCorrect is an excellent option for those who want to enjoy the benefits of clear removable aligners instead of wearing metal braces. Each aligner will be personalized for you based on a thorough digital scan of your mouth. As a result, the aligners will fit comfortably in your mouth and will blend in so well that most people won’t even notice them. For many people, ClearCorrect is more cost-effective than Invisalign since the aligners are manufactured in the United States.

Traditional Braces

Some orthodontic issues are more complex than others. For the most severe cases, traditional braces remain the most affordable and reliable solution. As you might have guessed, braces work best on children since their jaws have not yet fully developed; however, adults can still benefit from this type of treatment, even though it will likely take longer. Younger patients who want to give their smile a bit of personal flair can pick out special colored rubber bands to hold the wires in place on the brackets.

  • At ProSmiles, we make each visit as convenient and enjoyable as possible by going out of our way to deliver comfortable, personalized care. 
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